Ski Area Specials

Special Highlights In Winter

Quite apart from the excellent ski area, there are also numerous highlights and special sporting attractions for all snow lovers...


Eine leuchtende Skinacht

In Söll am Wilden Kaiser wird die Nacht zum Tag gemacht: Das größte Nachtskigebiet Österreichs bietet im Winter jeweils mittwochs bis samstags perfekt präparierte Pisten mit Flutlicht bis ins Tal. Bei den Liften Hochsöll, Hexen6er und Hans im Glück gibt es im Mondschein auf insgesamt 10 Kilometern Fahrvergnügen pur – das ist die längste Nachtpiste Österreichs!

Mit Beginn der Abenddämmerung präparieren die Pistenraupen die Hänge frisch für die abendlichen Skifahrer, die Talabfahrt ist sogar bis 22.30 Uhr beleuchtet. Und danach gibt es natürlich die perfekte Gelegenheit für Après-Ski-Vergnügen...

Majestic Cross-Country-Skiing

Cross-country skiing offers sporting pleasures combined with a wonderful experience of nature! Whether you prefer classic or skating techniques: our Wilder Kaiser region has over 65 km of groomed cross-country ski runs that lead through fantastic winter landscapes. Here, too, every taste is catered for, from beginner trails to more challenging routes. 

There are numerous venues for a coffee or a hot chocolate break between the four “Kaiser Mountain” regions of Going, Ellmau, Scheffau and Söll. There is also the possibility of using the floodlit night trail in the evening in Scheffau!

Fancy a ski tour?

Ski touring has become increasingly popular in recent years! The Wilder Kaiser region has numerous beautiful tours amongst its repertoire. To ensure a safe passage, however, you should be acquainted with the terrain and make sure you know what weather can be expected before setting out. It is therefore advisable to tackle the route with a state-certified mountain and ski guide - we are more than happy to help you find a qualified person to accompany you on your ski tour adventure.

And another special new service: The Ellmau lift company opens the slope up to Hartkaiser every Thursday for ski tourers in winter from 18 to 22 hrs - so you can pursue your favourite sport on a groomed slope.

Fun and action with a snow-bike

Do you know what a snow-bike is? You can jet down the slopes in the Skibike area Wilder Kaiser - Brixental with this mix of cycling and skiing. Great fun for people of all ages - and blessed relief for those who often get pain in their joints during "normal" skiing.

Accompanied by experienced instructors from the Snow-Bike School in Ellmau, you can learn basic techniques in a workshop. Then you can head out to the fun-filled slopes! Snow-biking is suitable for children aged 8 and over, bikes can be rented on site.

„Numerous winter sports opportunities that don’t include skiing are available in Skiwelt Wilder Kaiser - Brixental and the surrounding area. Why not try something new? “

Host, Isabelle Winkler

5 Highlights im Winter- & Skiurlaub in Ellmau

Was macht einen Winterurlaub im Landhof und in der Skiregion Wilder Kaiser-Brixental so einzigartig? Kate und Isabelle Winkler, die Gastgeberinnen im familienfreundlichen Appartementhotel in Ellmau, verraten Ihnen die fünf Top-Highlights für Ihre Auszeit im Schnee.

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